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Safeplay Code

What is the SafePlay Code?

The Safeplay Code was developed to emphasise safety and good conduct within the game of Rugby League by creating the best possible on-field environment and actively controlling undesirable actions. It applies to all players up to and including the Under 15 years age group. To implement the Safeplay Code:

Introducing the SafePlay Code

Introducing the SafePlay Code

The SafePlay Code focuses on safety and good conduct to ensure the code values and spirit of the game is maintained.

Overview of the SafePlay Code

  • Promoting the Code
    All parents, players, coaches and referees should familiarise themselves with the “Safeplay Code” before the commencement of the season and subsequent matches. A copy of the Code should be available and prominently displayed at match venues and training sessions.


  • Referees
    The Referee’s total implementation of the Safeplay Code is the key to its success. Referees must be fully briefed on the detailed workings of the “Safeplay Code”. The most suitable personnel to do this are the appointed Coaching and Development Staff or Referees’ Co-ordinators/Providers/Coaches.


  • Coaches
    Coaches are the other vital factor in ensuring that the Code is applied successfully. All coaches must ensure that their players are aware of, and fully understand, the “Safeplay Code” and observe it “to the letter.”


  • All Matches
    To ensure that all parties fully understand the Safeplay Code, a pre-match meeting should be held, at International Law games, between the match Referee, Coaches, Ground Officials and where possible, team Captains. It may take a few matches for Referees and players to become accustomed to the Code. However, the right balance will soon be achieved as long as all concerned work together and realise that the code will benefit all players and the game.

Download the Safeplay Code

Download the Safeplay Code

The Safeplay Code was developed to emphasise safety and good conduct within the game of Rugby League by creating the best possible on-field environment and actively encouraging the core values of Rugby League, and a healthy respect for all participants. It applies to all players up to and including the Under 15 years age group

Find out more

Player Development Framework

Find out more about the Player Development Framework (PDF) is a game-wide project that has been undertaken to address concerns around emerging trends in participation. The 11 initiatives associated with the Framework focus provide the optimal delivery of Rugby League to participants based on their age, stage of development, skill level and aspiration and is grounded in evidenced based research.

Concussion - Management and Return to Play

Concussion Centre

Know your role when supporting our participants in the management of concussion. Resources, how to guides and lots of helpful guidelines available here.


Community Coach Framework Club Guide

The Community Coach Framework Club Guide will assist clubs in understanding the framework and the specific course requirement. The guide provides details on what courses are available, who should complete them, and how they complete them.

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Return to Safety page

We have loads of resources and support modals to ensure our participants enjoy their Rugby League experience!