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Prepare to Play - Strength

PTP - Single Leg Squat

Single Leg Squat

This exercise strengthens your front thigh muscles and improves your movement control. Standing on one leg, slowly bend your knee, if possible until it is flexed to 90 degrees, and straighten up again. Do 6 squats and repeat on opposite leg.

PTP - Nordic Lowers

Nordic Lowers

Kneeling with knees hip-width apart, your partner kneels behind you and with both hands gripping your lower legs just above the ankles while pushing them with his body weight to the ground. During this exercise, your body should be completely straight from your head to your knees. Slowly lean forwards, trying to hold the position with your hamstrings. When you can no longer hold the position, gently take your weight on your hands, falling into a push-up position. Repeat 6 times and swap with your partner.

PTP - Diagonal Push Ups

Diagonal Push Ups

This exercise promotes strength and stability in the chest, shoulder and elbows. Assume a push up position, with hands shoulder width apart with one slightly in front of the other. Push hard off the ground, landing softly through elbows, alternating hand position diagonally each rep. Repeat 10 times.

PTP - Neck Strength

Neck Strength

This exercise neck strength and stability. Place flat hand on head, pushing head into the hand with medium pressure in four different directions. (Forwards, backwards, left & right)

PTP - Weight Shifts

Weight Shifts

This exercise improves strength, stability and ability to bare weight through the shoulders. Assume push up position. Keeping both hands on the ground, shoulder width apart with arms straight, shift weight over one shoulder and hold for 3-4 seconds. Transfer weight to opposite shoulder repeating 3 times each side.

PTP - Face Taps

Face Taps

This exercise promotes stability and strength in the shoulders through partners resistance. Face your partner. Grab one wrist each with arms at 90 degrees. During the activity attempt to tap your partner on the face whilst preventing them from doing the same. Swap arms after 10 seconds and repeat.